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Home News PNG NUSF Plans Several Nationwide Activities

PNG NUSF Plans Several Nationwide Activities

9 April 2010

Colors of respective Institutions at 2008 PNG Uni Games in which Australia attended with Anne King (Monash Univesity)


The National University Sport Federation of Papoea New-Guinea is more active than ever. Under the leadership of Molly Perry-Geno, a Director on the Board of the recently formed Oceania University Sports Association (OUSA) several nationwide activities are planned. An overview.

1. First International University Sports Workshop with the back-up of AUS

AUS National Programs Manager Donna Spethman and Director Martin Doulton are off to the PNG University of Technology (Lae), Papua New-Guinea in April where they will facilitate a sport development workshop for university sport coordinators from various institutions throughout PNG. The workshop is the first of its type held in PNG and AUS will be welcomed by the PNG Minister for Sport, Dr. Misty Beloiloi, Vice Chancellor PNG University of Technology and Ms Molly Perry-Geno. “We are pleased to be invited to facilitate this workshop and we view this opportunity as a chance to further assist with university sport development in the greater Oceania region”, stated AUS CEO Don Knapp. “Donna has a mountain of event management experience, and Martin is an expert in respect to sport development on campuses, so I’m sure they will run a very useful, practical workshop”. AUS has played a prominent role in assisting with the establishment of OUSA, which was first officially declared a Continental Member Association by the FISU, at the General Assembly in Belgrade prior to the 2009 Summer Universiade. “We see a great opportunity for growth of university sport participation in the Oceania region in the future, and we want to assist and encourage that growth in all ways possible”, added AUS Director Martin Doulton.


2. PNG University Games – June 28 – July 2, 2010

More than 10,000 students from all over the country are anticipated to march through the gates of the Taraka campus in Lae. ‘Responses received is overwhelming and I am pleased that these Institutions have confirmed their attendance to attend our sports workshop for the first time in the country at my Institution in Lae, morobe province’, Molly Perry-Geno said.


3. National PNG University Sports Workshop for all tertiary Institutions throughout PNG – November 22- 27, 2010

More than 200 Principals/Sports & Recreational Officers, Sports Masters, Warden and Dean of Students are expected to attend in PNG’s capital Port Moresby, to be facilitated by PNG Sports Foundation and PNG Sports Federation in which PNG Uni Sports Association is an affiliate.


4. Christmas Break Activities

University students are planning to promote sports in the local villages during the Christmas holidays. ‘From the PNG Uni Games to the village competition amongst themselves is the way to go and moving forward at our corner of the world’, Molly Perry-Geno concluded.