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Home News 2011 WU Update: Atatürk Youth & Sports Day

2011 WU Update: Atatürk Youth & Sports Day

20 May 2010


Erzurum – On May 19th, Erzurum the host city of the 25th WU in 2011 celebrated the Youth and Sports Festival in commemoration of Atatürk. Due to the renovations held at Cemal Gürsel Stadium, the festival was celebrated in Atatürk University Stadium this year. The Festival was supported by the 2011 WU Head Office and was staged by the Provincial National Education Directorate of Youth and Sports Organizing Committee while the performance of the students was fascinating.

At the festival students carried a written pancarte of ’Let’s Meet On the Anatolian Peak’’ while they marched past. Demonstrations took place in front of the giant silhouette of the Double Minaret Madrasah which is a remnant from the Seljuk period. During the performance the theme of the Universiade was emphasized. The performance was titled ‘From Seljuk to Universiade’. The students carried different flags with the Universiade logo. Also the jumping towers being close to the parade added a harmony to the photo shoots. After the performance of 750 students which was held under the supervision of 35 tutors, at the closing ceremony a giant Turkish flag with Erzurum Universiade flag was hoisted.

At the end of the closing ceremony, 2011 WU General Coordinator Bekir Korkmaz thanked Governer Sabahattin Öztürk, Mayor Ahmet Küçükler, 9th Army Corps General Tefvik Özkılıç, as well as the teachers, students and other officials who have performed in the show.

Korkmaz stated that during the 2011 WU youth will have to take on a great role. ‘As an OC we are proud to organize this festival which is a gift to the youth from Atatürk’, he said. ‘All the promotional works for the Universiade are continuing and they will continue untill the Games will open.

(Source: Zeynep Gedikkaya, Media Representative 2011 WU)



General Coordinator Bekir Korkmaz (r)