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Home News 2010 WUC Bridge Update: Poland wins Gold

2010 WUC Bridge Update: Poland wins Gold

9 August 2010

KAOSHIUNG – They say that “It ain’t over until it is over”, but for Poland it was over early when they beat (at the time) third-placed USA A on Vugraph, 22-8 VP (54:25 IMPs) in Round 12, and they were officially the champions with 259 VP, 31 ahead of second-place France (228, they had just beaten TPE B 23-7). In the other critical face-off between the fifth and fourth place holders, as predicted in yesterday’s bulletin, Israel blitzed Germany A (64:24 in IMPs, 25-5 VP) and put themselves squarely in third with 214 VP, while Germany basically fell out of contention at 195 VP, since Israel and USA A (207) both had relatively easier matches.

It is ironic that at this point France only needed 12 VP from the last match to seal her claim on the silver medal, and whatever chances Israel had for the silver medal depended on Germany A beating France by not too small a margin in Round 13. We are very glad to report that Germany A played their match with very sporting vigor and defeated

France by 20-10 (32:12 IMPs) in a low-scoring match with quiet cards, which means that if Israel had scored the maximum against Indonesia, as many expected, they would actually have taken second place from France (238).

Unfortunately for them, Indonesia also fought hard and hence Israel can only satisfy themselves with 18 VP and third place (232). Other placings are: 4th place, USA A (228); 5th place, Germany A (215); 6th place, China A (208).

Closing Ceremony

The 5th World University Bridge Championship ended on Tuesday, August 9, 2010 in Taiwan. After six days of play, Poland (who have the championship sewn up before the last round) with 276 VPs, France with 238 VPs, and Israel with 232 VPs have taken the gold, silver, and bronze medals respectively.

After the medals have been awarded at the Closing Ceremony, Mr. Tai-Cheng Chen (the FISU representative), and Dr. Kun-Ning Chen (President of the Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation) each addressed the gathering to express satisfaction with the success of the event and appreciation of the organizers’ hard work. Mr. Joel Corbeau, the head of France delegation and representing France as the next host country, then received the FISU flag from Dr. Hung-Duen Yang (the President of NSYSU), the Messrs. Chen and Mr. Rona (President-elect of the World Bridge Federation), signifying the passing of the baton to the next organizers. Mr. Corbeau then invited everyone to join the next WUBC in Reims, France, 2012.

 (Source: OC)



 Golden Team Poland

FINAL RANKING                              


1 Poland 276

2 France 238

3 Israel 232

4 USA A 228

5 Germany A 215

6 China A 208

7 USA B 199

8 Chinese Taipei B 195

9 United Kingdom 175

10 China B 167

11 Japan 143

12 Chinese Taipei A 142

13 Indonesia 137

14 Germany B 130




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