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Home News 2011 WU Update: 1st Heads of Delegation Meeting

2011 WU Update: 1st Heads of Delegation Meeting

24 January 2011


ERZURUM Today, January 24th, at 20h00 the Organizing Committee and FISU hosted the first Heads of Delegation meeting of the Universiade.

Kemal TamerKemal Tamer, FISU Assessor and President of the Turkish University Sport Federation welcomed all attendees.

CSU Chair and FISU Assessor Kairis Ulp also welcomed the Heads and introduced the FISU Staff and delegates who fulfill key positions in the organization.

WU General Coordinator Bekir Korkmaz welcomed the Heads of Delegation and introduced the heads of all the different departments of the Organizing Committee..

At the meeting the Heads of Delegation received the latest updates. A Question and Answer session followed.

Delegates from 22 delegations were present for this first HoD meeting: AUS, BLR, CAN, CHN, CZE, DEN, FRA, GER, GBR, JPN, MGL, NZL, NOR, RUS, SRB, SVK, ESP, SWE, SUI, TUR, UKR, USA,


C. Pierre, FISU Press Officer



Kairis Ulp, Bekir Korkmas & Interpreter