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Home News Brazil brings New Features for the 2011 Season

Brazil brings New Features for the 2011 Season

22 February 2011


BRASILIA – Presidents and representatives of University State Federations attended the Annual General Meeting of the Brazilian University Sports Confederation (CBDU), last Saturday, February 19th in Brasilia (DF). Luciano Cabral, president of CBDU, and Board members presented reports of the 2011 season and accountability of last year to the approval of the state leaders.

Brazil’s participation in the 2011 Winter Universiade; technical board meetings with others sports confederations; reforms in the building of CBDU’s headquarters in Brasilia; changes in the rules of competitions; composition of committees for the 2012 World University Championship in Brazil and possible applications for 2014; and the University Sports League project approval were discussed on the meeting agenda.

“We had the best participation of Brazil in Winter Universiade in 2011 thanks to partnerships with the ice and snow sports federations. And the meetings with others confederations, COB and Sports Ministry aim to have the composition of a strong delegation to also guarantee good results in the Summer Universiade in China”, said Luciano Cabral.

Liga – The project of the Brazilian University Sports League has been approved at the Sports Ministry and will ensure the events of the League in 2011. In partnership with Koch Tavares, CBDU will promote Beach Volleyball tournaments; Rugby Seven; Table Tennis, Chess and Bridge; Triathlon; Combat Sports (Judo, Karate and Taekwondo); Tennis; Football and indoor team sports (futsal, handball, basketball, volleyball).

“The University Sport League comes to the sixth edition with completions in eleven tournaments. The League was created to improve the university calendar and each year is consolidated and gained more prominence and support. This year, with the support of the project encouraged, we expect a record year for participation”, Cabral explained.



OUJUB’s – Changes in regulation of the Brazilian University Olympics (JUB’s) to 2011 edition, in Campinas (SP), were also presented to the Assembly. New age limit for athletes is now 24 years with four invited athletes in each team.

World Championship – In 2012, the cities of Maceió (AL) and Blumenau (SC) receive the World University Championship of Beach Volleyball and Handball, respectively. Initially, the Organizing Committee will be centralized in CBDU headquarters in Brasilia. And with the proximity of the tournament, starting next year, the authorities of the host cities and the university state federation become part of the committees in the cities themselves.

“We also invite state federations to tender for World Championships in 2014. We already have the interest of Espirito Santo to host the Rugby Seven tournament and we will look into other international tournaments”, said Luciano Cabral.

Location – The leaders of the state federations visited the CBDU headquarters which is being renovated. The construction will improve and enlarge working rooms, a new auditorium and area for receiving guests and partners with display of trophies and CBDU’s library.

“And we expect in the coming months also to open the bidding to build a sports center and training ground with gym, fields and housing for athletes. And we will use this news space to preparethe Brazilians delegations and implementation of events”, added Roberto Maldonado, Chief Financial Officer.

At the end of the meeting, Luciano Cabral thanked the presence and participation of state federations delegates and the board of CBDU to support another year of events and competitions. “I thank the staff, advisors and directors of CBDU; I thank the partners and especially the presidents and directors of the state federations that support us and work in their states to consolidate the Brazilian university sport”.


(Source: Polyanna Pádua, CBDU Press Officer)