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Home News 2011 SU Updatte: FISU Delegates visit the Village

2011 SU Updatte: FISU Delegates visit the Village

3 August 2011

FISU EC member Jasnic and FISU Directors Briel, Vandenplas and Augustin inspecting the Village


SHENZHEN – On the 2nd of August, 10 days before the Opening Ceremony of the 26th Universiade, in Shenzhen, P.R. China, Mr. Sinisa Jasnic,FISU Executive Committee member accompanied by Mr Marc Vandenplas, Milan Augustin Summer and Winter Universiade Directors, and Mr Laurent Briel, World University Championships Director visited the Universiade Village in order to inspect the latest development prior to the arrival of the delegations.

During that visit, Mr. Jasnic and theFISUstaff members attending had the opportunity to evaluate the high level of facilities provided in terms of accommodation, catering and administration.

The FISU team took the opportunity of this inspection to assess the efficiency of the organization regarding security, accreditation and medical care, visiting both the welcome center providing the accreditations, the polyclinic, and the Head of Delegations center.

The Opening of the Universiade Village is planned on August 6th 2011.


(Source: Julien Buhajesuk, FISU Sport Assistant)