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Home News 2011 SU Update: Young Reporters take a look at CAS: Just in CASe You need a Lawyer

2011 SU Update: Young Reporters take a look at CAS: Just in CASe You need a Lawyer

13 August 2011

Mathieu Reeb, CAS Secretary-General explains the working of CAS to the Young Reporters (Photo: C. Pierre/FISU)


SHENZHEN – On the second day of the Young Reporters’ Program the young journalists should be informed about the activities of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). Invited by the International Sport Press Association (AIPS) and the International University Sport Federation (FISU) Mr Matthieu Reeb, the Secretary General of CAS, came to Shenzhen for talking about his function and history, mission and goals of the CAS. For most young reporters, the CAS was until then an unknown quantity.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport was created in June 30, 1984. The CAS is an independent institution, which has set itself with its formation as a target: „that exist only one single forum for all athletes to understand the legal disputes relating to sport“, Reeb told. „It was founded to make it easier for the delegations and especially to create an international system.”

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) considered that it was necessary to establish an international sports court to charge no more disputes of sport to the national courts. „Especially in the Olympic years the cases increase because of the athletes selections“, Reeb explained. Thus the CAS is the last instance for arbitration and clarification of difficult disputes in sport. With 45-50% to be mostly soccer cases to be resolved, closely followed by the doping cases from all sports (30%).

In addition, the International Council of Arbitration for Sport (ICAS) was founded in 1994. The council was created to take over the administrative tasks and livelihoods, the date the IOC transacted for CAS. „The foundation of ICAS was a boom for CAS. Now CAS is definitely independent from every other institution”, Reeb said.

Since 2000, Mr Matthieu Reeb takes the position as a Secretary General and has a big responsibility. „My function covers a lot. The main function I have is to manage the organization of the court office, to make sure that the procedures are respected and I am responsible for the controlling of finance and media relations.” For getting this important position he studied law at theUniversityofNeuchatel. There he got his law degree at 1993 and he went directly to CAS.

After this session, the 61 young reporters know the most important facts about the CAS and the ICAS. And when the young journalist will read something about a difficult case, which was resolved by CAS, they can say: “I have met one of the most important men, who works for CAS – Mr Matthieu Reeb.”


(Source: Nicole Torregrossa, FISU Young Reporter)