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Home News 2011 SU Update: ‘Low Carbon Universiade’ emphasized

2011 SU Update: ‘Low Carbon Universiade’ emphasized

22 August 2011

SHENZHEN – The Vice-President of the China Merchant Bank, Mr. Zhang Guang Hua, has launched the ceremony of ‘Low Carbon’ which is emphasizing on the importance of environmental protection, the theme which is embedded in this 26th Summer Universiade edition.

Addressing the Young journalists at the banks headquarters, the Vice-President said the bank is committed to the environmental protection, and that is why, ‘all our employees spent 8 hours annually for environmental protection activities’

In the room full of ice sculptures which were melting as to demonstrate the impact of global warming and the depletion of rare species in the near future, the young journalists were told on the importance of living in nature with environment.

‘Forests are cut down illegally, the iceberg is melting, rare species are depleting, and this signifies that the human future is in big threat and challenge’

‘A good enterprise can provide good and quality services, but a great enterprise goes beyond that, and that is being committed to social responsibility’ said the Vice-President.

The low carbon lifestyle theme was underlined in this year’s Universiade, whereby there were no fireworks in the opening ceremony as in other Universiades, with more than 400,000 cars removed from the city’s streets to create “green passages” for visitors.

‘Over a long run, this will make a great future for the next generation, so let us start here and create a better future’ concluded the Vice-President.

In his remarks, the AIPS president, Mr. Gianni Merlo, urged the Young Journalists to take action in the fight against environmental degradation, ‘you can start by not taking a bus and walk to the opening ceremony tomorrow’.

‘Sports will always be in front line to the fight against environmental pollution’ insisted Mr. Merlo.


(Source: Mwita Mwaikenda, FISU-AIPS Young Reporter/Tanzania)