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Home News 2011 SU Update: President of International Fair Play Committee presents Award

2011 SU Update: President of International Fair Play Committee presents Award

23 August 2011

Dr. Jeno Kamuti presents FISU President Gallien with the Fair Play Award (Photo: C. Pierre/FISU)


SHENZHEN – Today, August 23rd, Dr. Jeno Kamuti, President of the International Committee for Fair Play presented the Fair Play Award to Russian track and field athlete Sergei Rybin who participated in the 10,000m final at the Universiade. Rybin was in the lead for the greater part of the race by and en route to a new Universiade Record. However, hardly 100m away from the finish, he collapsed in the final bend. Although his efforts were in vain, he went beyond his own limits and therefore merited the Fair Play Award. The Award was received by the Head of the Russian Delegation, Mr. Matytsin, as the athlete had already returned home.

Dr. Kamuti, a former medalled Olympic and Universiade fencer also awarded a Fair Play Trophy to FISU President Gallien. ‘Mr. Gallien has placed all his life and activities under the sign of Fair Play. Through is activities and his moral behavior, he has proved himself to be a champion and a propagandist of sports ideals’, Dr. Kamuti commented.


C. Pierre, FISU Press Officer


Oleg Matytsin accepts the Award from Dr. Kamuti