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Home News FUSA Games coming up

FUSA Games coming up

11 September 2012

SAMABULA – The annual FUSA tertiary games are coming up and will take place from September 20th to 22nd. Purpose of these Fiji Student games is to promote sporting values, encouraging friendship, fraternity, fair play, perseverance, integrity, co operation and application amongst students who will one day hold responsible and even key positions in politics, the economy, culture and industry.

The Tertiary games have been running for the last ten years. This year’s competition will be played in 30 categories of 12 different sports with a total of 127 teams and will be held at Fiji Sports Council facilities, USP facilities, Hockey Turf, Albert Park, Merchants Club and Corpus Christi Ground .

Fiji University Sports Association (FUSA) has grown in the last 5 years and has an office at Fiji Sports Council building at Laucala. FUSA has also become an active member of FISU. FUSA is a founding member of the Oceania University Sports Association (OUSA) and had sent students to attend meetings and for the games abroad in 2010, 2011 and 2012. FUSA is also a member of FASNOC.


(Source: Thakur Tara Singh, FUSA Treasurer/Administrator)