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Home News Spartakiade held under the Aegis of Kazan 2013 aboard Bark Sedov

Spartakiade held under the Aegis of Kazan 2013 aboard Bark Sedov

14 November 2012

SEDOV – The bark Sedov that carries the lantern with the 2013 Summer Universiade Flame is halfway from the Peruvian shores to French Polynesia. The legendary tall ship heads to Papeete. Within a month the bark will have covered 4,350 nautical miles.

The spartakiade took place aboard the tall ship the other day, the Public Relations Centre of the Federal Agency of Fishery reports. It’s already the second edition of this multi-sport event held for the crew. There have been neither work involving all hands nor a change of course, that’s why this opportunity to participate in the competitions caused great excitement among navy cadets. The competitions took place on the deck in the evening. Three teams competed for the top podium step in events such  as tug of war, kettlebell press, pull-ups and push-ups. 

Nikolay Zorchenko, the captain of the bark Sedov, had the honour to declare the spartakiade open and mentioned that the competitions are held under the flag of the 27th Summer Universiade.  “Just like you, each Universiade athlete is engaged in an uncompromising struggle. Just like you, young athletes from all parts of the globe will be achieving their goals under the auspices of the 2013 Summer Universiade Flame, which symbolises solidarity and friendship among students of the world, some of whom will travel half the world aboard our tall ship,” said Capt. Zorchenko in his speech to the navy cadets. 

Tug of war became the highlight of this second spartakiade. There was a serious battle for the trophy between two teams – foremаst hands and middle mainmast hands. The foremast seamen secured the title for the second consecutive time. Cadet Tarlan Talybov claimed the top spot in kettlebell press; his result is 65 reps per minute. Reigning champion Aleksey Levchenko remained second to none in pull-ups (92 reps per minute) and push-ups (30 reps per minute). 

As we reported earlier, the Universiade Torch set off on a voyage around the world from Brest (France) to Vladivostok (Russia). The lantern with the Flame was solemnly transferred to the tall ship in July 2012. Once the Universiade Torch boarded the Sedov, the honour to escort and protect it was bestowed on Keepers of the Universiade Flame, who are navy cadets of Murmansk State Technical University undergoing training course aboard the tall ship Sedov.


Thanks to the Universiade Torch Relay, thousands of people around the globe will find out about the Kazan World University Games. The bark is currently crossing the Pacific Ocean. For the first time in its 90-year history, the legendary ship has embarked on such an epic adventure. The circumnavigational cruise is dedicated to the 1,150th anniversary of Russia’s statehood and memorable dates in the history of great Russian geographical discoveries. Within 14 months the Sedov will have covered over 45,000 nautical miles and call at more than 30 ports of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The circumnavigation will come to a close in July 2013 in St Petersburg.


(Source: Kazan 2013 Media Dept. -Photos by Valery Vasilevsky)