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Home News Izhevsk feels the Glow of Universiade Flame

Izhevsk feels the Glow of Universiade Flame

7 June 2013

IZHEVSK On 6 June, with exactly one month to go before the opening of the Summer Universiade in Kazan, the main symbol of the World University Games was welcomed by the citizens of Izhevsk, the capital city of the Udmurt Republic. The people of Izhevsk welcomed the Universiade Torch Relay with traditional Udmurtian baked foods and folk dances.

Izhevsk is the 19th city in Russia to be given the honour of hosting the Torch Relay for the World University Games. The Relay’s route through Izhevsk took in educational institutions, city parks and tourist attractions. The distance covered by the 47 Torchbearers, in order to light the City Cauldron, was 6,200 metres. 

The task of carrying the Universiade Torch through the city’s streets and squares was given to top students of Izhevsk and famous sports stars, including Nadezhda Pushpasheva, a participant in the Paralympic Games in Beijing and London, 20-time Russian champion and member of the Russian national table tennis team; Ivan Kuznetsov, a bronze medal winner at the World Championships and a member of Russia’s national sledge hockey team; Vladislav Lekomtsev, the 3-time world champion and member of Russia’s cross-country skiing team; and volunteers representing youth public organisations and the companies sponsoring the Summer Universiade.    

“When I was running with the Torch, I could sense what a big responsibility it was. I’m happy to have been part of an international event like this!” said Varvara Vasilieva, one of the Torchbearers. “I’m delighted that a Russian city is hosting the Universiade in 2013: after all, Kazan is such a beautiful and ancient city.  During the Relay I was thinking about how close-knit and patriotic we all are in Izhevsk, and about the unity of the Russian people as a whole. I’m proud that I live in Russia!”

The starting point for the Universiade Torch Relay in Izhevsk was the Integral Palace of Culture at Izhevsk State Technical University, where the first Torch was lit during a grand ceremony.  The honorary task of starting the Relay was given to professor and Ph.D. in Education, the author of numerous works about the history of sport in the Republic of Udmurtia, Nikolai Soloviev.

Students of Izhevsk and local citizens gave a warm welcome to the main symbol of the Summer Universiade, as the Torch Relay wound its way along the streets of Izhevsk:  there was much cheering, raucous applause and smiles all round.

It’s symbolic, that at the Universiade Torch handover point in the square near the Eternal Flame, the Flame was passed to Anatoly Suvorov, a veteran of labour and sport and advocate of a healthy lifestyle, who had carried the Flag of Victory during the Relay of Peace on 9 May in Izhevsk.

The Torch Relay came to an end in Central Square in Izhevsk, where the City Cauldron was lit. The honorary guests at the grand ceremony were President of Udmurtia Alexander Volkov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Udmurtia Nikolai Musalimov, Mayor of Izhevsk Alexander Ushakov, and Deputy Head of the Republic of Tatarstan Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Andrei Yasko. 

“We are delighted that Izhevsk was chosen as one of the 30 cities which were given the honour of hosting the Universiade Torch Relay,” Alexander Volkov commented.  “We are going to continue to develop university sports in the republic and build sports facilities, so that young people are able to get involved in sport in every part of Udmurtia. After all, sport is a guarantor of success, good health and longevity.”

“Today, by taking part in the Torch Relay, we are getting involved in the upcoming Universiade in Kazan.  We are proud of our sports stars, have high hopes for them, and wish them every success at the World University Games in Kazan!” Alexander Ushakov emphasised.  

Andrei Yasko holds the souvenir torch before presenting it to the Mayor of Izhevsk 

“The Universiade Flame is a symbol of peace, friendship and student unity. This Torch Relay is an unprecedented event: it has never happened before in the history of university games,” Andrei Yasko noted. “It is really symbolic that with exactly a month to go until the opening of the Games, the Torch is being hosted by Izhevsk. We invite you all to get involved in this major event, either as volunteers or spectators. And we wish our sports stars outstanding achievements!” 

To commemorate the Universiade Torch Relay in Izhevsk, Andrei Yasko presented the city leaders with souvenir torches.

And people in the city of Kirov will not have long to wait to see the Universiade Flame:  the main symbol of the Summer Universiade will be carried through the city’s streets and squares next.


(Source: Kazan 2013 Media Dept.)