GRANADA – Today, 3 February, an agreement was signed between the International School of Protocol of Granada and the Organising Committee of the 27th Winter Universiade – Granada 2015. The agreement aims to enable the exchange of scientific and technical knowledge as well as the use of human resources on which both entities can rely on. The signing was carried out by the CEO of Granada 2015, Aurelio Ureña and the director of the School of Protocol, Manuela Pinilla Suarez.
The agreement establishes a partnership to develop specific training courses for volunteers that will participate in the Universiade as well as the joint execution of events that may arise leading up to the games in 2015.
As indicated by Aurelio Ureña, this initiative is part of the strategic plan of Granada 2015. “One of the main legacies of the games is the knowledge derived from the experience from hosting an event like the Universiade. Thanks to this agreement, the group of volunteers will benefit from both the experience provided by the event and the training provided by the School of Protocol”, Ureña added.
Currently, the team from Granada 2015 is working on similar agreements facilitating other centers of the University of Granada, as well as other public and private entities.
(Source: Granada 2015)