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Home News Round-Up Ice Hockey – Day 7

Round-Up Ice Hockey – Day 7

24 February 2009




FIN – SVK 7-2 (4-2, 2-0, 1-0)
An early game at noon for Finland and Slovakia, where Team Suomi took an early lead. The Fins leave the ice with a 4-2 advantage after the first period and the Scandinavians will continue their lead for the rest of the game as Slovakia stays scoreless in the two following periods.

CAN – JPN 4-1 (1-0, 2-1, 1-0)
Another victory for Team Canada which is getting closer to that gold medal. Not an easy game for the Canadians, as they only managed to open the score at the end of the first. Kikuchi (JPN) goes to the penalty box for a minor penalty and Canada uses the powerplay efficiently as Boras drills the puck into the net passed Eri Kiribuchi. In the second Canada scores twice but Japan clings on and Okazaki put a one on the scoreboard for Team Nippon. In the last period Newton scores Canada’s fourth goal.

CHN – GBR 8-0 (4-0, 3-0, 1-0)
In front of a loud crowd of 3,500 spectators host China won convincingly against Great Britain. Powerhouse China delivered 89 shots on Great Britain’s goalie Laura Saunders, while her Chinese counterpart Jia Dandan only had to block four.




CZE – CHN 14-0 (6-0, 4-0, 4-0)
Whereas China’s women’s team is very successful in the WU tournament, their male counterparts are having a more difficult campaign. The Czechs were definitely too strong for the host’s men’s team.

CAN – KAZ 7-2 (2-1, 2-0, 3-1)
A very tight game at the beginning which the Canadians could turn in their advantage leaving the ice with a 2-1 on the scoreboard after the first period. In the second Team Canada widened the gap with two more goals by Gillen and Dasilva. In the third Canada scored three more, Kazakhstan popped one in via Mazula but the game was played.