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Home News FISU President in Belgrade for working Visit

FISU President in Belgrade for working Visit

6 April 2009

Kovacevic, Djelic, Killian & Ilic



Mr. George E. Killian, FISU President took advantage of his presence on April 3rd, in Belgrade at the occasion of the World University Presidents Summit to have meetings with the Organising Committee concerning the progress of the preparation of the 25th Universiade. Mr. Killian met with Mr. B. Djelic Deputy Prime Minister, to speak about the 25th Universiade.

Mr. Killian and his Chief of Staff, Kolë Gjeloshaj, went to visit the Red Star stadium where the works to install a new athletics track are in progress. Mr. Killian expressed his satisfaction to Nebojsa Ilic, President of the UB2009 Executive Committee and Dragan Pesikan, Sports Director of the Organising Committee.

Mr. Killian attended a meeting with Mr. Mita and Ms. Bizjak on the FISU Conference which will be organised from July 2nd to 5th by the Faculty of Physical Education of the Belgrade University. He also had the opportunity to speak about the Conference with the Crown Prince Alexander II, the Rector of the University of Belgrade, Mr. Kovacevic, and the Dean of the Faculty, Mr. Mitic.

A meeting on medal awarding ceremonies was organised between Kolë Gjeloshaj and Mss. Pifat, Bizjak and Mr. Eror, Medal Awarding Ceremony managers.




Mitic, Kovacevic, Killian, Prince Alexander


Killian, Pesikan & Ilic

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