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Home News EvalCom 2015 SU in Edmonton – Day 1

EvalCom 2015 SU in Edmonton – Day 1

2 May 2009

The EvalCom for 2015 SU with Minister of Sport Gary Lunn


Today, May 1st, the FISU Evaluation Committee for the 2015 Summer Universiade started its first day of the three-day evaluation visit of Edmonton, the third and last bidding city for the 2015 SU. The Committee chaired by FISU Vice-President Stefan Bergh consists of Vice-President Luciano Cabral, 1st Assessor Michael Malumbete Ralethe and Assessors Kemal Tamer and Isato Igarashi and is assisted by FISU Staff member Christian Pierre.

The Evaluation Committee met a lot of Canada’s political authorities today, all of whom declared the full support of their Government, be it Federal, Provincial or City.

In the morning the FISU delegates met with the Honourable Ron Stevens, Deputy Premier of Alberta and Minister of International and Intergovernmental relations and the Honorouble Cindy Andy, Minister of Tourism, Park and Recreation. ‘The Government of Alberta is 100 % behind the Edmonton Bid’, the Deputy Vice Premier told the delegates. ‘We are confident Edmonton can stage outstanding games. We have a big volunteer base and a history of organizing big events.’

Rona Ambrose, Minister of LabourAfter the delegates left the Provincial Government building they toured McEwan College which is proposed by the Bidding Committee as a volleyball venue. After visiting the venue they left for Telus Tower where they listened to a number of presentations regarding the bid city. The presentation was attended by the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Labour and Member of Parliament.

After lunch the FISU delegates went to the campus of the University of Alberta where they met with the President of the University, Mrs. Indira Samarasekera. ‘The U of A today is ranked 74th in the world’, Mrs Samarasekera told the EvalCom members. ‘We have a grand vision and ambition to be in the top 20. The U of A has the 2nd highest number of Academic Canadians enrolled (students with an 80% academic average who are elite athletes) and we are the only university that won a championship in all sports. In 2010 the U of A will host the Academic G8 and this would be an excellent opportunity for FISU to spread its message when the U of A will be the host University for the 2015 SU’, the University President added.

The FISU delegates left campus and continued their venue visit as they traveled to the Kinsmen Sports Center, a city operated ports center with the indoor Field House, which will be used for volleyball, and the Aquatics center where the Bidding Committee wants to stage swimming, diving and water polo.

From there the delegates continued their tour to the Telus Baseball Field which will be temporary changed into a soccer pitch for the 2015 Universiade.

After the sight visits, the EvalCom members met with the Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of State for Sport, who reaffirmed the governmental support for the 2015 Bid. ‘It’s really important the engage the whole country, as we have done for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver’, the Minister said. ‘I’m quite impressed with the Bidding Committee, they are highly committed and they presented one of the best business plans for a multi-sport event in Canada’, Mr. Lunn praised the Edmonton Bid.

Edmonton Mayor Stephen MandelThe EvalCom ended its first day of the evaluation visit by meeting Stephen Mandel , the Mayor of Edmonton. The Mayor also reaffirmed the city’s commitment to host the best games ever. ‘We can do it and we boast a huge number of volunteers that love sports’, the Mayor said. ‘We even have volunteers from the 1983 Universiade who already let us know they will volunteer again for 2015. Our citizens want the Universiade back.’

Leaving the Mayor’s office, the FISU delegates visited the Shaw Conference Center which is the venue proposed to host the FISU General Assembly and the FISU Conference.

The day ended with a reception with the partners of the Bidding City.




Deputy Premier Ron Stevens receives a FISU gift from Stefan Bergh


Kinsmen Field House


Visiting the Kinsmen Aquatics Center


The President of the U of A receives a gift from the EvalCom Chair


Shaw Convention Center


Stefan Bergh presents Minister of Sport Lunn a FISU gift

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