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Home News FISU President at 3rd International Taekwondo Symposium

FISU President at 3rd International Taekwondo Symposium

18 August 2009

FISU President George E. Killian


FISU President George E. Killian was a speaker at the 3rd International Taekwondo Symposium which was organised at the University of California in Berkley.

Below you will find Mr. Killian’s speech.


The value of Sports within the FISU Programme

It is a real honor and privilege for me to have been invited to participate in the 3rd International Taekwondo Symposium here in the campus of the University of California, Berkley.

The 25th Summer Universiade conducted by FISU and the Organizing Committee of the UB 2009 was held in the City of Belgrade, Serbia where I had the opportunity to meet the President of the World Taekwondo Federation along with you Mr. Ken Min, co-chair of this important symposium and FISU Technical Chair for the sport of Taekwondo and Mr. Russel Ahn, symposium director of this event along with countless other Taekwondo officials from around the globe. It really was old home week for the Taekwondo Family.

Let me take just a moment to update you on the results of the Taekwondo competition held in Belgrade in order that you might fully appreciate the role that your sport of Taekwondo is playing within the FISU program.

The Universiade drew 380 athletes from over 50 countries for the Taekwondo competition. We would have passed the goal of 400 athletes if we could have overcome numerous visa problems which affected some seven additional countries. The quality of the athletes was at an all time high, which resulted in many outstanding bouts.

FISU as most of you are aware is a federation that has made its marks in the international sporting world by organizing and promoting sporting events featuring university students. Like a coin FISU does have two sides, one side devoted to sporting events, and the other side to its educational and cultural events. Today we well focus on the educational side.

In Belgrade, I had the opportunity to take part in the 2009 FISU Conference. This conference was organized and conducted through the efforts of the University of Belgrade (Faculty of Physical Education) and the FISU Committee for the Study of University Sport. My remarks at the Conference were entitled “Two sides of FISU coin/ two sides of University Sport”, which leads me to my remarks here today at this Symposium.

Today, here at this 3rd International Taekwondo Symposium in Berkley, California, I would like to share with you a very important document entitled “Declaration of Belgrade”. The declaration is the result of much discussion from more than 130 researchers, professors, university presidents, students and university sport officials from 35 countries who took part in the three days conference.

Let me know quote from the declaration:

I – Conference participants discussed the fact that University Sport has the power to develop social, educational, cultural and ethical responsibility in young people. They strongly advocated an increasing role for University Sport as a key driver, both in offering the student a comprehensive educational experience and in delivering well founded, young citizens for the future.

Involvement in University Sport brings in particular the following benefits:

• Character formation and consolidation of ethical values, based on the respect for others, on fair-play and on truth;

• Acknowledgement of cultural diversity and the appreciation of intercultural contact;

• Team working, advanced levels of autonomy and self regulation, with obvious benefits at both cognitive and motivational levels;

• Social competencies and active citizenship;

• Organization and project planning;

• Development of higher levels of thought and decision making;

• Life long learning – emotional intelligence and balance of the “self”, especially through the capacity to defer gratification and to manage strategic long-term objectives;

• Good mental and physical health and increased productivity;

• Improved mobility as skilled, international and inter-generational communicators;

During my presidency I have at all times strived to insure that the benefits of University Sport as outlined in the declaration that I just mentioned are offered by FISU to each of our students. I have constantly in my speeches and remarks emphasized that the future leaders of our cities and countries are the students that have had the opportunity to partake in all parts of our FISU programs, whether athletic or educational.

FISU is deeply indebted to all of the participants who took part in this 2009 FISU Conference for the efforts in producing this declaration that will serve as a guide for the future as we continue to explore and promote the value of university sport to all who will listen to our goal.

I hope that each of you here today will obtain a copy of the Declaration, study it carefully, and try to incorporate its themes into future University Sport activities.

In closing let me thank the sponsors and organizers for allowing me the opportunity of promoting FISU, the one and international sport federation serving the needs of university students throughout the world.

Thank you

George E. Killian,

FISU President