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Home News 2011 WU Update: Seminar in Erzurum

2011 WU Update: Seminar in Erzurum

20 January 2010



FISU has held its 1st Winter Universiade Seminar in Erzurum from January 19th to 21st, 2010. The speakers for FISU were the CTI Chair, Roger Roth; the Director of Winter Universiade, Milan Augustin; the Director of the World University Championships, Laurent Briel and the Director of the Summer Universiade, Marc Vandenplas. The chair of the 2011 WU Technical Committee of the OC, Muhtar Kurt, has also delivered in front of the 120 OC members who were present during those 3 days.

The objective of the seminar was to give to the OC staff an overview of all the requirements for the Winter Universiade as well as all the challenges the Functional Areas will have to face during the next year of preparations and during Games operations. The attention of the audience has been proved by the numerous questions asked after every presentation.

The seminar was attended by high authorities such as Mehmet Gok, the Deputy Governor of Erzurum; Kemal Tamer, our Turkish member of the EC and member of the OC board; Bekir Kormaz, the General Coordinator and Mr Mermet Erdem, chief of the local police and member of the Security Commission.



 Laurent Briel, Roger Roth, Milan Augustin & Marc Vandenplas