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Home News 2010 WUC Equestrian Update: Meetings

2010 WUC Equestrian Update: Meetings

30 October 2010

 General Meeting

SANGJU – Today was all about meetings and setting up the final details regarding the organization of the event.

Kenny ChowDifferent members of the CISCA began the day by meeting with officials of their department. Dr. Zhang had to audit the system for initial emergency care and the place of competitions and visited the hospital used for this championship in case of emergencies. The doctor was checking the quality of the breakfasts at the athletes’ village and was very satisfied with the work of the organizers.

The delegate of the CIC has completed the accreditation of delegations from 19 countries.

CISCA Chair Mr Kenny Chow met with the protocol officials and toured the facilities and the athletes’ village.

More meetings were held throughout the afternoon. The meetings were attended by the CISCA members and the organizing committee. The discussion focused on general aspects of the championship and it is with pleasure that Mr. Kenny Chow thanked the organizers for the outstanding work done.

The general workshop then took place and the organizers thanked the delegations for their presence and then explained to the delegations the general aspects of the championship. Mr. Daniel Armbuster, FISU Technical Chair for Equestrian, then took the floor to address the technical aspects of the championship and to answer questions. Then the OC and CISCA proceeded to draw for the order of appearance as well as the horses.

The evening concluded with a welcome party organized by the President of the OC which is also the mayor of Sangju, Mr. Beck Sung-young. During his speech he stressed the importance held and the honor for his city to organize this event. He also said to be proud to have contributed actively to the development of equestrian at the international level. He hoped that the participants will appreciate the place of competitions and his city.

Mr. Kenny Chow then took the floor to thank the delegations, the FEI and the referees for their presence and support without which this event could not take place. He then thanked the authorities for their support and the dynamism they have shown in organizing this championship.


(Source: Laurent Briel FISU Director World University Championships) 





 CISCA meeting



Welcome dinner