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Home News City Events Conference – Day 2

City Events Conference – Day 2

18 November 2010

Break Out Session B ‘Activating People during the Event’


Carlos Canto, Vice-President IMG ConsultingBRUSSELS Today, November 18th the City Events Conference went in its second day of session. The three speakers in the plenary session presented some interesting case studies. Bruce Dewar, CEO Vancouver 2010 ‘Legacies Now’ program used the recent example of the successful 2010 Winter Olympic Games in the Canadian West Coast city to shed light on how sport events can have a meaningful impact on the host city communities. Jens Holm, CEO of the International Masters Games Association, gave an answer on how the lead-up to a sport event can maximize motivation and excitement among the people who live in the host city or region. Niklas Mr. Angus Buchanan, Head Consultant of the Volvo Oceans Race Carlsson, CEO of the 2007 FIS Alpine Skiing World Championships in Are, Sweden, explained how side events can rescue the main event as it did in Are were the main event was delayed due to extreme bad weather.

After the break, again two parallel break-out sessions. In Session A ‘Activating People Before and After the Event’, representatives from Erzurum (TUR), Vancouver (CAN) and the Master Games looked into how a city can mobilize its population before as well as maintaining its involvement after the event. In Session B ‘Activating People during the Event’, delegates from the Organizing Committee of the 2013 Winter Universiade, FISU and the OC of the 2007 FIS Alpine Skiing World Championships shared their views on the topic.

Heinrich Clausen, CEO of the 2009 IAAF Athletics WCAfter lunch the second plenary session took off with Carlos Canto, Vice-President IMG Consulting explaining how host cities can generate additional revenues by making the most of their sport assets such as facilities and events. Mr. Canto discussed how cities can package their sporting assets and partner with the private sector to increase the return on their sporting investments. Mr. Angus Buchanan, Head Consultant of the Volvo Oceans Race tackled sustainable sport events showing how a sport event such as the Volvo Ocean Race has reinvented its relationship with its hosts cities to enter and stay in new markets. Heinrich Clausen, CEO of the 2009 IAAF Athletics World Championships in Berlin explained the innovative approach of his organization creating additional revenues for the organizers.

Speed MeetingsAfter the coffee break the participants engaged in speed meetings. The day ended with a cocktail dinner hosted at the FISU Headquarters ‘Château de la Solitude’.


C. Pierre, FISU Press Officer

 Bruce Dewar, CEO Vancouver 2010 ‘Legacies Now’


Jens Holm, CEO IMGA



Niklas Carlsson, CEO 2007 FIS Alpine Skiing WC


Break Out Session A ‘Activating People Before and After the Event’