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Home News 10th WUEC: FISU Family Members visit Stables

10th WUEC: FISU Family Members visit Stables

24 August 2012

Visiting the stables

AACHEN – At the third completion day of the 10th World University Equestrian Championship 2012 in Aachen/Germany the FISU representatives and CISCA members Bayasgalan Danzandorj (FISU Treasurer), Csaba Hedi (CIC) and Paulo Ferreira (FISU Director WUC) visited the stables together with FISU EC Member Verena Burk (President of the WUEC Organizing Committee) and Nico Sperle (Vice-President of the WUEC Organizing Committee and Vice Chair EduC). Philipp Kloth, responsible for the procuration of the horses at the WUEC 2012 explained the requirements for dressage and show jumping horses at students equestrian tournaments.

The FISU Treasurer tests a horse

On behalf of FISU and the WUEC Organizing Committee Bayasgalan Danzandorj and Verena Burk thanked the many volunteers which work in the stables and are responsible for the training of the horses. After visiting the stables and the meeting with the volunteers the FISU treasurer had also the possibility to test one horse by himself.


(Source: Verena Burk, Chair FISU Press Committee)