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Home News 6th WUC Canoe Sprint: Via University sport to Olympia!

6th WUC Canoe Sprint: Via University sport to Olympia!

17 August 2014

FISU First VP Oleg Matytsin

MINSK – Today at the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus was held a meeting of representatives of the International Federation of Students Sport with a Vice-president of NOC BLR Nikolay Ananiev and belarusian organizers of the 6th World University Championship Canoe Sprint 2014. The organizing committee was represented by the first Deputy Minister of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Gagiev, Deputy Minister of Education Victor Yakzik, director of the Center of physical education and sport Valentina Balyabo, first Deputy Principal of the Belarusian State University Mickhail Zuravkov. The FISU delegation consisted of first FISU vice-president, President of Russian students sports union Oleg Matytsin, FISU General secretary Eric Saintrond (Belgium), President of the European Union of University Sport Adam Roczek (Poland) and the assistant of the General Secretary Natalya Kosterna (Ukraine).


At the meeting NOC vice-president marked that the last Olympic games in Sochi revealed the great potential that our country has. “We are talking today about students` sport, – emphasized Nikolay Ananiev. – Our achivment at the World Summer Universiade in Khazan showed that we are moving in the right direction. We accept with great pride the proposal to host such a great students` forum. Today we open the world championship and I do believe that it will be held on the highest level”.

FISU fist vice-president in its turn noticed that the International Federation of Students Sport is really glad to work with your country: “We are the members of one big Olympic family. Students` sport movement is a great integral part of the International sport movement. We are impressed by your friendly team: NOC, Ministry of Sports and Tourism, Ministry of Education, University Community. That is a very good example for other countries and a formula for success of any sports forum. Here in Belarus, every event is destined to be a success!” “It is also important for us that the youth policy and sport in particular is a part of the governmental policy in general. Belarus show its efficiency and creates a certain image in the world. We are really impressed by the scale of building sports venues in Belarus, the level of organization of sport in your country. Today we had a possibility to see the complex Minsk Arena, and we do realize how significant this complex for hosing international events. Unfortunately for the recent time the world public had no idea about sport achievements of Belarus. It is important for FISU to show to young athletes your country, to give them a possibility to communicate with each other. Today, in such unstable world, it is vital to show that there are no differences between us. Sort – is one of the most unique and the most efficient modules that show when all people must be together, to respect principal of a fair play”




Also Oleg Matytsin noticed that Belarusian recourses allow to host multisports events, such as World Universiades. FISU First Vice-President marked that if our country is interested in, International Federation of University Sport would be glad to became a partner in organizing universiade.

President of European University Sports Adam Roczek confessed that he is glad to come to this championship exactly to Belarus.

“At Poland 55 percents of all sport delegation are students, that is why the connection between university spot and Olympic is very close. Indeed via university sport you can get to Olympic! That most important thing that we saw in Belarus is that you have a system. That is a real pyramid of university sport, on that top of which stands President of the country. We can see that the youth has got all possibilities to go in for sport. We have visited hostels, there are sports centers, gyms. Investment to the youth – are the investments into the country”.

FISU General Secretary Eric Saintrond also said; “I was already ready for good impression about your sport venues, because recently I`ve spoke to Mr. Joseph Liba, head of NOC Slovaki. And he told me a lot about Belarus.The Headquarter of FISU in Lausanne is situated not far from IOC. From October according to the agreement we activate our cooperation with IOC. That will help actually to transfer university sport into OLimpic. We will be able to guarantee the smooth transformation from the youth to the real Olympic athletes. During 2013 we had more than 2 thousands of live broadcasting on TV. Our close cooperation with Eurosport Channel gives us a possibility to broadcast university sport events not only in Europe but also in Asia”.

Also Eric Saintrond emphasized that the FISU schedule is for 2019 is formed already, but on the 1st of September will be open the biting for hosting World Universiade 2021, and Belarus can take part in it. We have already passed to Director of the Center of physical education Valetina Balyiabo a set of documents for Universiade organization, said FISU General Secretary. We`ve got more than a year at our disposal to make all necessary seminars. We really hope that very soon we will come back to Belarus with the next visit because that is a great country with great people”. Deputy Minister of education Victor Yakzick in his turn marked that the sport base of Belarus, university as a particular, is supported by good facilities. “University sport – that is a whole system – he noticed. – In the end we will reach two goals: develop the personality if a student, future specialist and also create the basement of the sport with high results. We are ready to share our experience in educational programmes. Also we`ve got the desire to know more about university society of different countries”.


NOC Vice-President Nikolay Ananiev proposed to FISU representatives to discuss the possibility to host at Minsk-Arena figure skating youth championship, skating and short track tournaments. In response Oleg Matytsin said that International Federation of University sport is always ready for any proposals.


(Source: Natalia Aliokhina)