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Home News FISU Delegates guest on Philippines TV prior to 7th WUC Cycling

FISU Delegates guest on Philippines TV prior to 7th WUC Cycling

16 March 2016


TAGAYTAY – Top officials of FISU and FESSAP (Federation of School Sports Association of the Philippines) guested in People’s TV Sports to inform the public of the 7th World University Cycling Championship in Tagaytay City. FISU Vice-President Yang Liguo and his assistant Zhu Yitong of the Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC), FESSAP President David Ong and FISU Legal Committee member Atty Maria Luz Arzaga-Mendoza took turns in discussing the cycling championship, FISU, FESSAP and sports in general.

FESSAP President David Ong started with a brief discussion of the 7th World University Cycling Championship. He explained the different events as well as the choice of Tagaytay City as venue. He also took the opportunity to thank the local government of Tagaytay City Mayor Agnes Tolentino, Department of Interior & Local Government Secretary Mel Senen Sarmiento and Bureau of Immigration’s Commissioner Ronaldo Geron for their tremendous support to the athletes and organizers. The FESSAP president confirmed the participation of 16 countries in the event. He also announced that the Philippines won the hosting rights for the 17th FISU’s World University Golf Championship which will be held from 22 to 25 March, 2018.

Lawyer Arzaga-Mendoza informed the public that FISU is not only about sports but education as well. FISU, Lawyer Arzaga-Mendoza said, offers scholarships to students through its partners who wish to study sports education and management.

Lastly, FISU Vice-President Yang Liguo explained how China is so successful in sports. He said that China prioritizes sports. Cycling, however, remains a not-so-popular sport in China. Thus, he is excited to see the turnout of the cycling championship in Tagaytay.

Before their TV guesting ended, FISU and FESSAP officials extended their invitation to the public to watch and enjoy the cycling competitions in Tagaytay City from 16 to 20 March. The guesting ended with TV show host Dennis Principe wishing FISU and FESSAP great success. 


(Source: Eric Dimzon, FESSAP Media Officer)