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Home News 2019 Winter Universiade Branded Aircraft landed in Krasnoyarsk

2019 Winter Universiade Branded Aircraft landed in Krasnoyarsk

13 January 2017



KRASNOYARSK – On 12 January, the 2019 Winter Universiade branded aircraft of the company NordStar Airlines, arrived from Norilsk to Krasnoyarsk. Upon the initiative of the MMC Norilsk Nickel, the General Partner of the 29th Winter Universiade Krasnoyarsk 2019, Boeing 737-800 was painted in the brand colours of the upcoming event.

Emelyanovo Airport hosted the aircraft welcoming ceremony attended by top officials of the city and region, representatives of NordStar Airlines, the Directorate of the Winter Universiade 2019 and volunteers. U-Laika, the mascot of the Universiade became the first passenger who came off the extraordinary aircraft.

The branded aircraft became the “flying” trademark of the Winter Universiade 2019 and Krasnoyarsk Region. Several variants of the aircraft branding were initially suggested. The final choice was made in favour of the design that most closely matches the spirit of the major sports event, which will be held in Krasnoyarsk in 2019. The aircraft hull is painted in Universiade brand colours, the nose and tail-end are decorated by competitions’ mascot U-Laika.  

“This is a continuation of serious and important work to support the sport in the country as a whole and in the Krasnoyarsk Region in particular. You know, that the company is a partner of the Russian Olympic Committee, but the fact that the company is also the general partner of the Winter Universiade 2019 in our hometown in Krasnoyarsk is of great importance for us. Krasnoyarsk Region is the territory where the main production facilities of the company are located. Consistently implementing the policy of social responsibility, the company undertook the following serious commitments: reconstruction of the “Bobrovy Log”, additional sports infrastructure and staff training. For us it is very important that after the Winter Universiade the infrastructure and professionals will serve as a legacy”, noted Alexey Dyachenko, the head of the MMC Norilsk Nickel Krasnoyarsk representative office.

On the whole, NordStar will brand three Boeing 737-800 aircrafts. The branded aircrafts are to be used for flights in Russia and abroad.

“One of the major sports projects for Krasnoyarsk Region for the forthcoming years is the 29th Winter Universiade Krasnoyarsk 2019. With the help of the NordStar Airlines and MMC Norilsk Nickel and their daring and creative projects, a maximal amount of Russian residents and citizens of other countries will become aware of the upcoming event, just the way the whole world learnt about Ivan Yarygin, the first Olympic champion of the Krasnoyarsk Region, after his name was given to the legendary strategic bomber. I am sure that thanks to our common, joint efforts and actions we will furtherly promote our region, sports and physical culture outside of Krasnoyarsk Region”, said Sergey Alekseev, the Minister of Sports of the Krasnoyarsk Region.

“We are honoured to brand the aircraft. The first aircraft was branded at the end of December and on the 31st of December it operated the first scheduled flight. Today it landed in Krasnoyarsk for the first time. It has already become the item of interest in social networks. In the airports where photography is allowed, passengers take pictures against the backdrop of the aircraft. It is especially interesting for passengers with children”, said Irina Vorobyeva, the Head of the Department for Advertising and Public Relations, NordStar Airlines.   

The branded aircraft is one of the elements of a large-scale Winter Universiade 2019 promotional campaign.

“We are grateful that NordStar Airlines initiated this. The more presented our brand will be, the more people will know about the Winter Universiade, our city and our region. We are actively involved in the preparation of the Universiade and promotion of our brand so that people can plan their trip to Krasnoyarsk, to see Siberian beauty and to become supporters at the competitions. We collect various promotional ideas. We launched licensing programme. For example before the New Year, Christmas decorations with the Winter Universiade 2019 brand were released. It is very important that we get various bright ideas from people. We will have a large variety of goods”, said Maxim Urazov.

The 29th Winter Universiade 2019 will be held in Krasnoyarsk from 2 to 12 March, 2019. Student athletes will compete for medals in 11 sports.


(Source: OC Krasnoyarsk 2019)