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Home News FISU President meets with International Powerlifting Leader

FISU President meets with International Powerlifting Leader

22 March 2017


MOSCOW – On 21 March FISU President Oleg Matytsin met with Gaston Parage. President of the International Powerlifting Federation.

Mr Parage visited Moscow on his way to the city of Yekaterinburg, which will host the Congress Meeting of the Russian Powerlifting Federation. As last year IPF for the first time received FISU patronage for its University Powerlifting Cup in Minsk, IPF President took this opportunity to discuss ways for a broader cooperation with FISU.

With more than 100 nations taking part in IPF events, the federation is growing stronger and is on its way to receive a more significant status in the sports world. Moreover, as powerlifting is popular among university students, it is natural for FISU and IPF to work more closely, both Presidents concluded. 

Mr Parage and Mr Matytsin also agreed to meet during SportAccord Convention in Denmark next month, as two organisations will have their booths there.