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There are two types of support a university can offer a student-athlete, financial and non financial support. Often, non financial support can provide the best support for a student-athlete and is more easily managed by the university.

Upon further inspection, a university may already be providing support to student-athletes via different departments or via the student association. Becoming familiar with what the different university departments offer will take time but is worth investigating to avoid duplication.

Financial support

Financial support is given via cash or via a deposit of funds into the students’ nominated bank account. This financial support can then be spent on areas required by the student-athlete at the discretion of the athlete.

A university can ask the student-athlete to provide proof of what they spend the money on via a reporting or acquittal process. The financial support can also be restricted to ensure that the money can only be spent on specific items. Financial support may be provided by the university, a sponsor, a benefactor or other supporter of the student-athlete.

Non financial support

Non financial support is support that is of a non financial nature. Non financial support provides the student-athlete with significantly reduced or free support that can assist them in their sporting journey.

The list of non financial support can be extensive and examples include free gym memberships, free physiotherapy or massage services or use of sports facilities. Non financial support may be provided by a variety of people or areas on campus. It may also be provided by stakeholders that are external to the university.